Sunday, May 25, 2008

Chetan Bhagat's 3rd Book is

3 mistakes of my life.I hadn't read the whole book yet So can't comment on ..But the start was a bit touchy to Indians.With this the Best selling author of India Is CHETAN BHAGAT.This IIT and IIM grad's first two books are "Five Point Someone" and "one night at call center" Both of these had received many accolades and also much criticism.According to me he is a very straight guy and  gives such a pleasure to readers that can't be expected and his writing are much humorous also much more serious.Mostly the criticism came from the experts saying that's not the way of writing and there is no need of that much hype over his writings.From My experience of reading his first 2 books I can confirm that This guy's writings are much closer to Indian Youth than any writer in India and His Reader develops a certain love towards these books that Can't be depleted,What more an Author need ??

Another BLog!!

This is my second blog ,First of all !! Hi to u all,who are reading this first piece and my first blog was whose page viewers had acrossed 40K++.I thought to change the whole way I think and I express, So I took this way rather than using my old blog..Of course, I had deleted it for Not able to maintain a heavy Sites like those.I used to give software links in that blog, later I thought to become much expressive so changed the whole path..So what I write in this blog has not been chosen yet (Thinking about the readers)

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