Friday, December 3, 2010

Kudos WikiLeaks !!

We all know Wikileaks has exposed a huge pile of classified records on External affairs to internal affairs of many countries who played and are playing huge role in International issues. This Wikileaks is the bold, daring, clear and assailable journalism of modern World.It might question that Is this the real journalism??Before we Ask this question its good to look out some highlights of Wikileaks..

In Wikipedia, its clearly stated that Wikileaks has been honored by many Non-profit Organizations like (this site has a heavy reputation about  portraying good and bad about today’s Economics ), ‘Veterans for Peace’, Amnesty International, ‘reporters without borders’  etc..  . Governments of Venezuela and Ecuador stated their support publicly to Julian Assuage, founder of

Coming to the Journalism issue, the real meaning of Journalism is ‘the collecting, writing, editing, and presenting of news or news articles in newspapers and magazines and in radio and television broadcasts’ from .Journalism is writing journals for mass and It shouldn’t be  thwarted or foiled.The simple way to defend  is to answer it. Just Answering will clearly change the content of Journalism, Its just words needed to answer.

These days many Governments spend money much more like water wafers without considering the quality and process of end results. If a person writes something much classified to a common man for which these classified information holds the result of huge Government spending then obviously, it must be answered or else it raises serious doubts and it stinks a lot later.

Truly speaking, these Wikileaks exposed complete negativity by impersonating many important characters of  this world in their Documents either good or bad. These documents have undesirable, bad, serious, sensitive and penetrating information from Guantanamo Bay to Sarah Palin’s yahoo email account to Nuclear accident in Iran to Toxic dumping in Africa to corruption in banks, protocols which are not exercised, 9/11 messages, US intelligence reports, Love parade documents, all about Iraq War, Afghanistan War, talks between world leaders on sensitive issues etc.. so This Wikileaks has the complete cables from sources which are unreachable to even Governments and Intelligence agencies.

This classified documents which is the collective hard work of hundreds of cables and many more who wants to show something which is not reachable and  something which cannot be opined is considered offensive??.The unusual thing of the present moment is that Wikileaks founder Julian Assuage is under a immense attack from Governments, media mughals and  Ambassadors of and from different countries. Common man is Awe struck with the little tip of an ice berg he showed in his Website and now his site is brought down and Interpol is being ordered to arrange an arrest warrant.Is this the way democracy in America is exercised?? If someone does something wrong then why he is not brought to law even if he is a martyr?? He is still a Human and he accepts the constitution of his Country!!???

I feel so sorry for Julian Assuage who showed new manner, means and room for today;s Journalism which is completely wilted and tilted to Governments and Corporates had ended in a tussle which can’t be dared to by any individual.

Longlive Wikileaks!! This could start Zeidgeist momentum if everyone stands for it!!


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