Lot of things daily happen but at the end of the day..’Goodthing’ content and ‘badthing’ content is looked and considered for better tomorrow.Good things show positive response from us while bad things tingle underneath the brain giving negative results.
If badtihngs appear before heavy force to correct them,then that force has to be corrected! If a person does a badthing , his fellow being has the responsibility to correct or make him understand.Unlike that If the second one is mum,then community and then World diminishes.If a country is going wrong then The fellow Countries has the right or license to mend it.Even though if Badthings continue??Then What could(should) be done???
Fellow countries has to change their strategy of approach! or They should use some sort of psychological advancement to create fear in that person or in that country!!Are you thinking Why I’m wasting my post for baseless theology??Then I had to confirm that I dedicate This post to My Fellow Human Beings Who faced bigger challenge than terrorism in Palestine for their devotion and patriotism to their country and their morals till their end.
I want to post some of the unseen devious pictures of barbarism on People of Palestine in turn to Israel’s covert on Hamas.I know these are unseenable and unthinkable.SO, If u can’t resist seeing them please spare a moment .
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